Finding Affordability in Unaffordable States
People often ask me questions about “the housing market.” It’s always something like this: What will the housing market do this year? Is it safe to invest in the housing market? Like so many things related to money and investing, the answer is, “it depends.” It’s a difficult question to answer, because the term “the…...
Getting Rid of Debt & Kickstarting Your Investing Journey with Marko of Whiteboard Finance
Just starting out in real estate investing? Join Ken Mcelroy and Marko of Whiteboard Finance in a discussion on debt, financing, and the various ways that you can set yourself up for financial success in 2021. Ken McElroy:Hey everybody. It’s Ken. I’m really excited to have my friend Marko here with the white board finance […]
Eliminate Your Debt
Ken McElroy:So, so Marco, so now we’re talking about budgets. What are some of the best apps that you like to refer to people and, and give people, uh, to, to manage their finances? Marko Zlatic:Yeah. If you can set it up yourself and you know what you’re doing, uh, just a simple, you know,…...