How Rent Control Actually Hurts Renters
With inflation and the cost of rent continually going up, you hear a lot of politicians today talk about rent control. Rent control limits the amount you can raise the rent on your tenants annually. When you get a new tenant it typically resets and you can once again charge market rent. Rent control sounds […]
Why Rents Are Skyrocketing….and what to do about it
Major rent increases are the latest talk in the real estate world. If you’re a landlord, this is great news to you, and if you’re a tenant, you are feeling a bit panicked. If you’re a homeowner, you are probably just feeling relief that you have a fixed mortgage. People act like this is such…...
Secondary Markets Outperform Primary Markets
Primary markets as most of you know are suffering. What we are seeing is a lot of secondary markets by the big cities are heating up as the cities cool down. For example, as Washington DC cools, Virginia Beach heats up. Same with San Francisco -> Sacramento and Los Angelis -> Riverside. The truth is, these more expensive cities were already at their tipping point prepandemic. The pandemic only accelerated it.