Buying Real Estate With Cryptocurrency

Last year, mortgage giant Fannie Mae signaled a major turning point in the mainstreaming of cryptocurrency when they started allowing cryptocurrency to be used for the down payment of a home. While cryptocurrency had been embraced by the tech community almost immediately after the first decentralized cryptocurrency was created in 2009, it has been slow…...

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How You Can Become a Cash Buyer

If you’ve been trying to buy a home, you already know how competitive it is. And you’re probably especially aware of how challenging it is to compete with all-cash buyers. A quarter of all homes sold in February of this year were purchased with cash, up from 22% a year ago, according to the National…...

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Have Millennials Solved Affordable Housing?

With home ownership being out of reach for so many, a lot of people are turning to a new resource: each other. Amongst millennials especially, there is a new trend of friends pooling their resources to co-own property. Even before the pandemic, a lot of people were deciding that they’d rather enter into this arrangement…...

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