Rich vs Poor Mindset
I once heard someone say that in business, there’s playing to win and then there’s playing to not lose. At first, it sounds like those are the same things, but in reality, they’re two distinctly different mindsets. “Playing to win” is about feeling dynamic, confident, and operating with a belief that the sky is the […]
Tenant Screening Tips
When you’re looking for tenants to rent your properties, it’s okay to enjoy the process of meeting the people who file in and ooh and aah over your granite countertops, the view from the kitchen window, or any of the other touches that set your property apart. You can be friendly and outgoing, but keep […]
4 Things That Your Kids Need to Understand About Money
As parents, we try to do everything that we can to prepare our children for the future. Having practical conversations about money with your children will help them immeasurably. When you take the time to do this, you’re showing your child the importance of managing their own financial wellness. Below are four key messages that […]
Having a solid lease is your best game plan
Having a solid lease in play from the very beginning for each one of your tenants is the best game plan you can have as a property owner. You want to make sure that your lease is one professionally. This is an extremely important document and should be created by your personal attorney. This is […]