Why I Started KenMcElroy.com… A Cause From The Heart
I was just asked at a charity event the other night if I was still running MC Companies. I replied, “Yes I am.” while laughing. I will tell you, I am pretty busy running MC Companies while also launching the learning platform KenMcElroy.com. So why did I start this learning platform? That is a great question […]
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
I’m a big believer in using debt to my advantage. Debt is not intrinsically bad, but that all depends on what type of debt we’re talking about. Bad Debt So let’s start with the bad debt. Bad debt can generally be boiled down to one culprit: credit cards. For credit card companies to succeed, their…...
The Effects of Retail – Bonus Questions
Premium Bonus Question: Courtney Reagan Ken McElroy:So a lot of times people decide, you know, to buy a rent and a neighborhood because of the stores and the restaurants as you guys know. So, you know, and also schools, of course, and there’s a lot of stuff going on in all of those areas. And…...
The Close Relationship Between Retail & Real Estate with CNBC’s Courtney Reagan
Join Ken McElroy and CNBC Senior Retail Reporter, Courtney Reagan, in a discussion about how badly the retail industry has been affected by this pandemic and the future of commercial real estate. Ken McElroy:Hey everybody. I’m here with Courtney Reagan. Who many of you probably recognize at CNBC. She is a senior retail reporter as […]