Getting Rid of Debt & Kickstarting Your Investing Journey with Marko of Whiteboard Finance

Just starting out in real estate investing? Join Ken Mcelroy and Marko of Whiteboard Finance in a discussion on debt, financing, and the various ways that you can set yourself up for financial success in 2021. Ken McElroy:Hey everybody. It’s Ken. I’m really excited to have my friend Marko here with the white board finance […]
Manage Your Expenses

I know this isn’t an exciting topic, in fact a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes as you read it. However, this is critically important at this time. How you manage your expenses will determine if you sink or float after this. Also, anything else I recommend means nothing if you can’t manage […]
The 4 Things that your kids need to understand about money

When it comes to our children, we try to do everything that we can to prepare them for the future that we want them to have and most often the future that they want as well. There are four things that your child needs to understand about money and financial wellness. As a parent, it […]