I know this isn’t an exciting topic, in fact a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes as you read it. However, this is critically important at this time. How you manage your expenses will determine if you sink or float after this. Also, anything else I recommend means nothing if you can’t manage your spending.
I am going to keep this short because it’s pretty basic but If your income has declined at all or you are trying to save so you have more cash at the end of this you need to take a hard look at what is important and where you can cut. Sure your housing, car payment, gas, insurance, and utilities are pretty essential. Yet, there are other luxury items you could live without. I am asking you to take a hard look at those RIGHT NOW. Don’t put this off until tomorrow you have plenty of time right now. Cutting these non-essential items will help you save more cash and be ready for what is to come. I am telling you those that wanted a correction in the market (almost all of us) are going to get it.
Tomorrow we will discuss inflation. Don’t miss it! It’s important you understand what is going to happen next with our currency.
Talk to you tomorrow,