How Real Estate Can Beat Inflation
Former president Ronald Reagan once remarked, “Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.” While there’s a fair amount of hyperbole in that statement, the comparison of inflation to a robber is an apt one. As a market force, inflation can and will devalue…...
Being a Real Estate Investor 101
Many people see investing in real estate as a way to generate cash flow, build up a nest egg and have tenants pay your mortgage for you. That’s a great strategy, but there’s a technique to it. It isn’t as easy as simply buying a property and renting it. Uneducated investing is how you get […]
5 Ways to Deal with Home Quarantine
During this time when we are all doing our part by staying at home during the quarantine, we may find ourselves trying to figure out how to handle it all. There are five key ways that you can handle your home quarantine without fully losing your mind. By taking part in these five things, you […]