It’s Just Math

I am going to show you how to look at a Zillow listing and decide if the property is cashflow positive or negative. Obviously, I want you to dig into these numbers and verify the rent and expense numbers, but start with just the basic calculation. If the numbers don't work on the initial calculation, then it is not worth your time. If the numbers do work, it is time to move into due diligence and verify the rental and expense amounts. FYI in this hot market, most listing don't work. That is why it is up to you to always look at the new listings and run the numbers daily.

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A Story is Worth a Thousand Words

Return to Orchard Canyon follows three family members who are doing their best with what life has handed them. David, one of the protagonists, has recently lost his “secure” formerly lucrative day job when he brings his teenaged daughter to visit his elderly father in David’s hometown of Sedona, Arizona. David is so embarrassed by his job loss that he asks his daughter not to tell his father. Despite David’s worries at the outset, Return to Orchard Canyon is ultimately about transforming your path and using life’s setbacks to discover what you truly want to do

The Real Estate Crash of 2021

A correction is coming to the real estate market and I expect to see it early next year. Each downturn is very similar to the next. We have high unemployment, and housing prices that are extremely inflated. Yet, people keep asking me, “how can you say it’s going to crash when prices are skyrocketing? If I keep waiting, I’m going to miss out on the buying opportunity!” So let me put a few things into perspective for you. This is a supply and demand issue. That is what inflates and deflates prices: inventory versus demand for housing

It Won’t Happen Here….

If you find yourself saying or thinking, “it won’t happen here,” I need to give you a reality check. Denial is not an investment tool. In fact, you can’t be a successful investor if you don’t understand market cycles. When a correction occurs, it generally happens everywhere in the country. Of course, some areas are affected more than others, but every city and every state is eventually affected.

Cash is King

Cash is king moving forward. Let me repeat cash is going to be king in the next 12 months. Here is why. Banks want to lend, it is in their nature. The problem is if people are out of work or just starting a new job, or are behind on bills the bank cannot lend to them.

Affordable Housing and Mobile Home Parks

I will tell you that affordable housing will become more and more of a need in the United States over time and this is definitely something you should understand and look into. That is potential here from owning a park to possibly even converting a mobile home into a rental.

Why now is the time to read The ABC’s of Buying Rental Property

If you are interested in obtaining a rental, then take the time to read my book “The ABC’s of buying Rental Property.” The next couple of years you may have the biggest buying opportunity you will see in your lifetime, so you need to be prepared. I wrote this book to prepare you with all of the in-formation you need to know when purchasing your first rental. I am going to help to prevent you from making the same mistakes new investors make and to maximize your investment.

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