How to lease during a pandemic

Join Ken as he speaks with Kelly Johnson, Vice President of marketing at MC Companies as she discusses what her and her team have done to confront that challenges of leasing apartment units during the restrictions caused by the recent health crisis. Transcript: (00:00): Hey everybody. It’s Ken McElroy with MC companies and the real […]

Happiness…. With all of the conflict going on in the world today, I have been a bit confused on what to write about this week. After considering multiple topics, it came down to one thing. I think most of you could use some happiness right now. You may say happiness? How can I possibly be […]
7 Ways to Deal with Anxiety

There are many different ways to deal with the anxiety that most of us are currently feeling due to the ongoing events around the world. This pandemic is affecting all of us in different ways and it is important to understand how to combat these anxieties. Those who have dealt with anxiety for their lives […]
What is an accredited investor?
Join Ken as he talks with Jennifer Costanza about what is an accredited investor and how Ken and his team manage the process of evaluating and working with them.
Effective Website Strategies for Multifamily Investors
Join Ken as he talks with Kelly Johnson about the best strategies for website marketing. Kelly talks about what are the proper questions to ask before you start investing in a website and; taking a step back to understanding the bigger picture and keeping the end in mind.
Better Health as an Entrepreneur with Dr Nicole Srednicki

Ken talks with Dr Nicole Srednicki about his journey for better health and how he is learning new ways and methods for improved wellness. The discussion will be helpful for a broad range of people who are exposed to stressful business situations. Along with working with Ken, Dr. Srednicki works with many entrepreneurs and investors […]