With all of the conflict going on in the world today, I have been a bit confused on what to write about this week. After considering multiple topics, it came down to one thing. I think most of you could use some happiness right now. You may say happiness? How can I possibly be happy with everything going on?
I brought a friend of mine, Jason Hartman, into my company a couple years ago to discuss happiness. Click here to watch. He pointed out something very interesting to me. He said, “Maybe happiness is actually easy to have and we make it seem complicated”. That resonated with me.
Here is one thing I know for sure, watching the media and social media all day is not going to make you happy. You need to be informed, but you don’t need to be consumed. Checking the news once every few days is fine, but in times like these listening to it constantly is not going to do anything positive for you.
So my friend, fill your time with laughter, educational books/podcasts , and family and put down all kinds of media. Just give yourself a nice break from it. You’ll thank me later.
Talk to you soon,