
College towns offer excellent investment opportunities, but a lot of investors are apprehensive about the thought of college students as tenants. While it’s true that college students aren’t necessarily the tidiest demographic, the fear of out-of-control college students isn’t a reason to overlook an opportunity for a cash-flowing investment.
What Does it Mean to be Free?

What is Freedom Really? I hope you had a great 4th of July. I want to dive into what freedom means to you this holiday weekend. I think as Americans we toss around the word free, but never really unpack what it means to be free. Sure we have liberties in this country, but working […]
Can Social Media Benefit Your Investments? with Ryan Pineda

Join Ken McElroy and famed house flipper, Ryan Pineda, in a discussion about using social media to benefit your real estate investments, increase publicity, and allow the money to come to you. Speaker 1: Welcome to the real estate strategies podcast. This is a show where we get into all things real estate, with some […]
Getting Rid of Debt & Kickstarting Your Investing Journey with Marko of Whiteboard Finance

Just starting out in real estate investing? Join Ken Mcelroy and Marko of Whiteboard Finance in a discussion on debt, financing, and the various ways that you can set yourself up for financial success in 2021. Ken McElroy:Hey everybody. It’s Ken. I’m really excited to have my friend Marko here with the white board finance […]
Starting Your Real Estate Investment Journey Overseas with Andrew Henderson of Nomad Capitalist

To join Ken McElroy’s Newsletter, follow this link: — Join Ken McElroy and Nomad Capitalist founder, Andrew Henderson, in a discussion about their experiences with starting real estate investments outside of the US, things to look out for, and the best countries to get yourself started. Check out the Nomad Capitalist by following this […]
How to Raise Money From Investors?

“How do I raise money from investors?” I truly believe that you do this simply by surrounding yourself with the right people and finding a good investment.
Why Your Realtor isn’t a Real Estate Genius

I see this misconception happen all of the time. “Well my realtor says ____________ about the market.” That blank is always something like “Buy now or you’ll miss out” or “The market won’t go down anytime soon” or my favorite “This isn’t 2008.” Yet, guess what? Realtor’s were saying that in 2008 as well ha.
Why now is the time to read The ABC’s of Buying Rental Property

If you are interested in obtaining a rental, then take the time to read my book “The ABC’s of buying Rental Property.” The next couple of years you may have the biggest buying opportunity you will see in your lifetime, so you need to be prepared. I wrote this book to prepare you with all of the in-formation you need to know when purchasing your first rental. I am going to help to prevent you from making the same mistakes new investors make and to maximize your investment.
The 10 Commandments of Pandemic Investing

Join Ken as he speaks with Jason Hartman about how to understand the behaviors and ultimately the trends that will result from the impact of the recent health crisis. The link to the resource mentioned in this video is:
The Down Payment

Getting your down payment together is one of the biggest hurdles when you’re starting out in real estate. I can’t tell you how many times people tell me they want to make passive income on real estate, but then they save no money for a down payment. Instead, I hear excuses as to why they […]
The 4 Keys to Correctly Investing in Real Estate

The average person doesn’t know how to get started investing in real estate, and therefore, gets their cash flow from a nine to five job. That scenario is the exact opposite of financial freedom because they’re dependent on a job they have to go to every day. True financial freedom happens through investing in things […]
Investing in Mobile Home Parks

Affordable housing is a legitimate concern in the real estate market. Not only considering when buying for yourself but also thinking of long term rental properties to own as well. Mobile home parks are a two sided coin. On one hand, they are usually fairly easy to obtain properties and most can be acquired for […]
2020 Moving Forward Through Uncertainty

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join Ken as he talks with Blair Singer about how he is approaching the uncertainty going forward. To learn more about Ken visit: To learn more about Blair visit his website at: [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Episode Transcript: Ken McElroy (00:01): Welcome to the real estate strategies podcast. I’m Ken McElroy and I’m here to give […]
Rich vs Poor Mindset

I once heard someone say that in business, there’s playing to win and then there’s playing to not lose. At first, it sounds like those are the same things, but in reality, they’re two distinctly different mindsets. “Playing to win” is about feeling dynamic, confident, and operating with a belief that the sky is the […]
3 Ways to Get Started in Real Estate and 1 Way I Would Never Recommend!

Invest In A Bigger Real Estate Deal with a group of people or a company The first is what I do with my investors at MC Companies. Which is joining with others to invest in a bigger deal. This can be either commercial or residential. There are two great things about investing in a larger […]
The 3 Things you can teach your kids about Money

Difference Between an Asset and a Liability Assets put money in your pocket. Think of a rental property, a business, a skill. A Liability is something that takes money out of your pocket (that is why your primary house is a liability) Credit Cards, your home, your car are all liabilities. Explain this in children’s […]
Initial thoughts on coronavirus and the real estate market.

Join Ken as he gives his initial thoughts on the impact of the coronavirus on real estate and the economy in general.
Real estate strategies heading into a downturn

Join Ken and Robert Helms for the podcast as they talk about unique defensive strategies that you can use to mitigate the results of the next downturn – or profit from it. To get a free copy of Ken’s eBook “21 Keys to Real Estate Success” just visit this link: Learn more about Ken […]
How to be successful at mobile home park investing…
Join Ken as he talks with Mike Ayala about his experience as a manager and investor in the mobile home park space. Mike is a Managing Member of Four Peaks Capital Partners. He oversees the operations, management teams, construction, and human resources. He also co-directs the overall investment strategy along with Andrew Lanoie. He has […]
What is an accredited investor?
Join Ken as he talks with Jennifer Costanza about what is an accredited investor and how Ken and his team manage the process of evaluating and working with them.
Rich Vs Poor Mindset
The variables that come to the table between those sitting down on the wealthy side and those sitting down on the opposite side have less to do with opportunity and more to do with their mindset. This is an important thing to acknowledge. Our background, our educational status and so many other variables are less […]
Effective Website Strategies for Multifamily Investors
Join Ken as he talks with Kelly Johnson about the best strategies for website marketing. Kelly talks about what are the proper questions to ask before you start investing in a website and; taking a step back to understanding the bigger picture and keeping the end in mind.