
My Number One Trust Test

Trust is a word with a long and deep meaning in almost any aspect of our life.
Over the years, I have been burned so many times that I developed a knack on picking
up on red flags when it came to individuals in my business and my personal life. I have
learned over the years that the biggest trait to consider when deciding whether or not
you can trust someone is to consider their character, whether it is essentially good or
bad. If they have a good character, you can trust them. If they have a bad character,
you are not able to trust them even if you want to be able to.

The Money Test

The ultimate test that I have found to see if I can trust an individual is the test
concerning money. If someone asks you to lend them money, do it. It does not matter
the amount, per se. This will all depend of course on the amount that you are able to
lend them in your current financial position. Tell them to pay you back, but do not bring it
up again afterwards. Do not mention it at all. This is a test that will give you the answer
you need for all future dealings with this individual. Good character will always pay back
the money that they owe. Good character always pays its debts no matter how long it
takes. They may pay it back in increments but in the end you will know that they can be

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