When Will the Dam Break…

If you’ve been watching me for any length of time, you know I believe the government has built a dam and the water is about to start pouring over the edge. We have homeowners in forbearance, tenants months behind on rent, businesses applying for PPP money, and unemployment at a record high, but we are […]
Dealing with Tenants that Can’t Pay Rent

To join Ken McElroy’s Newsletter, follow this link: http://legacy.kenmcelroy.com/news — Join Ken McElroy in a conversation with Jason Hartman as they discuss various ways that both landlords and the government can be helping tenants that are unable to pay rent, including a discussion on the topics of universal basic income. — The conversation continues on […]
Answering Your Questions About Real Estate During COVID-19

Welcome to the real estate strategies podcast. I’m Ken McElroy, and I’m here to give you creative ideas on how you can get started or continue your journey in real estate. Each week, we will bring you inspiring and informative conversations with successful people and their path to obtaining or investing in real estate. Enjoy […]
The Real Estate Crash of 2021

A correction is coming to the real estate market and I expect to see it early next year. Each downturn is very similar to the next. We have high unemployment, and housing prices that are extremely inflated. Yet, people keep asking me, “how can you say it’s going to crash when prices are skyrocketing? If I keep waiting, I’m going to miss out on the buying opportunity!” So let me put a few things into perspective for you. This is a supply and demand issue. That is what inflates and deflates prices: inventory versus demand for housing
How to lease during a pandemic

Join Ken as he speaks with Kelly Johnson, Vice President of marketing at MC Companies as she discusses what her and her team have done to confront that challenges of leasing apartment units during the restrictions caused by the recent health crisis. Transcript: (00:00): Hey everybody. It’s Ken McElroy with MC companies and the real […]
The 10 Commandments of Pandemic Investing

Join Ken as he speaks with Jason Hartman about how to understand the behaviors and ultimately the trends that will result from the impact of the recent health crisis. The link to the resource mentioned in this video is: https://www.jasonhartman.com/ken
Fear of Missing Out….

I have been seeing the fear of missing out a lot lately on the private forum that I host each week. (Click here to join.) People have become so fixated on not missing their opportunity to buy, that they’re itching to buy right now when prices have only gone down by a few thousand dollars. I keep […]
2020 Moving Forward Through Uncertainty

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join Ken as he talks with Blair Singer about how he is approaching the uncertainty going forward. To learn more about Ken visit: http://legacy.kenmcelroy.com/membership-registration/ To learn more about Blair visit his website at: https://blairsinger.com [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Episode Transcript: Ken McElroy (00:01): Welcome to the real estate strategies podcast. I’m Ken McElroy and I’m here to give […]
4 Things That Your Kids Need to Understand About Money

As parents, we try to do everything that we can to prepare our children for the future. Having practical conversations about money with your children will help them immeasurably. When you take the time to do this, you’re showing your child the importance of managing their own financial wellness. Below are four key messages that […]
Options for Individuals Impacted by Covid-19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Join Ken McElroy and Eric Freeman from BeachFleischman as the talk through some options for individuals that have been impacted by Covid-19. You can learn more about Eric at his firm’s website at https://BeachFleischman.com You can also download a useful resource created by Ken to help work through your financial stress test. You can find […]
What Inflation Means, and How It’s Measured

Inflation is pretty simple. It’s the rate at which goods and services increase in value, and in turn, at which the dollar drops in value. For example, your Snickers now costs $2 instead of $1.50, which means your dollar buys less candy bar. Put in another way, your dollar has less value. The US measures […]
Robert Kiyosaki on the economic recession of 2020

Join Ken and Robert Kiyosaki as they discuss the latest on the economic turmoil created by recent events.
Manage Your Expenses

I know this isn’t an exciting topic, in fact a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes as you read it. However, this is critically important at this time. How you manage your expenses will determine if you sink or float after this. Also, anything else I recommend means nothing if you can’t manage […]
7 Ways to Deal with Anxiety

There are many different ways to deal with the anxiety that most of us are currently feeling due to the ongoing events around the world. This pandemic is affecting all of us in different ways and it is important to understand how to combat these anxieties. Those who have dealt with anxiety for their lives […]
5 Ways to Deal with Home Quarantine

During this time when we are all doing our part by staying at home during the quarantine, we may find ourselves trying to figure out how to handle it all. There are five key ways that you can handle your home quarantine without fully losing your mind. By taking part in these five things, you […]
The 4 Things that your kids need to understand about money

When it comes to our children, we try to do everything that we can to prepare them for the future that we want them to have and most often the future that they want as well. There are four things that your child needs to understand about money and financial wellness. As a parent, it […]
Options for Businesses Impacted by Covid-19

Join Ken McElroy and Eric Freeman from BeachFleischman as the talk through some options that businesses after being impacted by Covid-19. You can learn more about Eric at his firm’s website at https://BeachFleischman.com You can also download a useful resource created by Ken to help work through your financial stress test. You can find the resource […]
Do you need to pay your rent or mortgage payment?

Join Ken McElroy as he talks with CPA and tax advisor Eric Freeman about the impact that Covid-19 is having on real estate. Eric is a Tax Senior Manager for BeachFleischman PC and has been with the firm for 7 years. Eric has a Master of Accounting with a focus in tax. He has spent […]
What should landlord’s being doing right now…

In this episode, Ken speaks with a landlord who operates two small rental properties and provides guidance on how to proceed forward.